For 2SLGBTQ+ folks who have experienced differential or unequal treatment based on their sexuality, gender identity or expression while navigating housing, healthcare, employment or other services.

Obtain one-time legal advice on your options from a lawyer over the phone or via Zoom.

First Thursday of every month, 6 to 8 pm

Registration required:

Fill out our intake form:

Need help filling the form? Email or leave a voicemail at 416-392-6874 ext. 4039

    At over the phone or via Zoom.

  • Aug 01, 2024 (6:00 pm  8:00 pm )
  • Sep 05, 2024 (6:00 pm  8:00 pm )
  • Oct 03, 2024 (6:00 pm  8:00 pm )
  • Nov 07, 2024 (6:00 pm  8:00 pm )
  • Dec 05, 2024 (6:00 pm  8:00 pm )
More info
(Program: Human Rights Law Clinic)