Each year during the final weekend of Pride, The 519 hosts the Green Space Festival (GSF) featuring a series of signature events held at the Barbara Hall Park. The Festival, and other activities held during this important Pride month, have many positive impacts for our local neighbourhood and businesses.
- Green Space Festival is The 519’s biggest annual fundraising event that takes place during the month of Pride
- Proceeds generated from Green Space Festival go to support The 519’s unique programs and services, and enable us to provide free space for community-led organizations.
- The 519 is a Canada’s most prominent 2SLGBTQ+ community centre and service provider, serving underserved local residents and 2SLGBTQ+ communities across Toronto and beyond.
- Green Space Festival has been able to directly invest millions of dollars into the programs and services for our marginalized 2SLGBTQ+ communities as a direct result of our fundraising over the last 10+ years.
We are committed to building on the improvements we have made to how we manage sound mitigation, traffic flow, pedestrian safety, maintenance, and communications in our previous festivals. We are grateful for the ongoing support, feedback, and advice from our neighbours, the Councillor’s office, the Church-Wellesley Neighbourhood Association, the Church-Wellesley BIA, and City staff. Please see the following information about our commitment to access to the park and other facilities during the Festival.
Sound Mitigation
- We are again incorporating sound-proofing features in our site plan to direct sound away from our neighbours as much as possible. We have incorporated new sound-dampening banners into our site design.
- We will not exceed 80 db during the events, and will be monitoring this diligently during the Festival
- Amplified sound will end promptly at 11:59pm on June 26, 27, 28, 29, and 30.
Thank you for your continued support and care for The 519. we can’t wait to see at the festival