Program Types: Legal Initiatives, Trans-Specific,

The Trans ID clinic, in partnership with McCarthy Tétrault, after a brief intake, provides virtual and/or In-Person legal assistance to 2 Spirit, Trans and non-binary folks in Ontario with ID applications, name change, gender marker change, and other related needs.

For trans, 2 Spirit, and non-binary folks in Ontario experiencing poverty or homelessness.

Free legal assistance via video calls for ID applications, name changes, gender marker changes, and other related needs.


To book an appointment, contact us: via email or click here to request for an over the phone intake.


How it works:

  • Appointments will be scheduled on a rolling basis after the completion of an intake. We will work with clients to determine appointment times.
  • If you have relevant documents and ID available, keep them ready for your appointment.
  • Financial assistance will be available on a needs basis.


We also have additional programs as part of the Trans ID Clinic:


  1. Guided Trans ID Self-Help Program – July 15th (Third Monday of each month) 5:30 to 7:30pm Drop in at The 519 [519 Church St.]


What to Expect:

  • An educational session related to the name change and gender marker change process;
  • One hour of drop-in and registered appointment time to speak with The 519 one of our law student volunteers about legal information, education, drafting and form filling needs related to the legal name change and gender marker change process
  • During the drop-in individual consultation hour, time to fill out paper work and be around supportive peer environment

This free program is for:

2 Spirit, trans, and non-binary folks and allies interested in learning about the name and gender change application process in Ontario.


  1. Gender Affirming Care Legal Support Clinic – Wednesday, June 5, July 10, August 7 6 to 8pm The 519 [519 Church St.]


What to expect:

  • 6 to 7pm:Educational session hosted by John McIntyre about navigating legal issues related to gender- affirming care
  • 7 to 8pm:Drop-in/registered legal advice consultations about issues related to gender- affirming care issues (15-minute time slots)

Your facilitator:

Lawyer John McIntyre of McIntyre Szabo PC who has experience challenging OHIP denials at HSARB and the Divisional Court (including K.S. v OHIP).


To register for a consultation slot, please click on the following link:

If you do not need a consult but would still like to attend the educational session, please drop in!


Please check out these helpful ID Change Guides from Positive Space Network and Pro Bono Students Canada:


Offered as part of The 519 Legal Clinic. For other services of the clinic, visit Access to Justice and Legal Initiatives


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