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February 23rd 2023


July 2024

Call for Nominations – The 519 Annual General Meeting 2024

June 2024

MEDIA ADVISORY: Communities to honour Torontonians lost to AIDS at the 40th AIDS Candlelight Vigil on June 25

Green Space Festival 2024: Accessibility

Neighbourhood Information: Green Space Festival 2024

May 2024

The 519 Pride Events Calendar 2024

April 2024

MEDIA ADVISORY: The 519 joins Rainbow Week of Action to march for LGBTQ+ refugee rights

November 2023

TDoR 2023: Statement from 2Spirit, trans, and non-binary youth / Déclaration des jeunes bispirituels, trans et non-binaires

September 2023

The 519 Board of Management Candidates 2023/24

July 2023

Notice of Annual General Meeting 2023

Call for Nominations – The 519 Annual General Meeting 2023

May 2023

[Media Advisory] The 519 Presents 'Enough is Enough!' a panel discussion addressing anti-2SLGBTQ+ hate

Pride 2023 at The 519: Upcoming Programs and Events

Green Space Festival 2023: Neighbourhood Information

[Media Advisory] Toronto’s queer and trans communities to protest against anti-2SLGBTQ+ hate on International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia (IDAHOBT)

March 2023

Trans Day of Visibility: How can we commit to being visible allies?

[Press Release] The 519 to Honour Esteemed Author John Irving with Ally Award

International Women's Day 2023: Women, Life, Freedom

February 2023

Re: Sentencing of Colin Harnack in murder of Julie Berman

December 2022

The Trial of Julie Berman

In Solidarity with Ontario's Drag Performers

November 2022

City of Toronto, The 519, and Homes First Society announce Toronto’s first dedicated shelter for 2SLGBTQ+ adults

In Solidarity; A Community Vigil Honouring Colorado Victims and Survivors 

In Solidarity with Club Q

Public Statement on Trans Day of Remembrance (TDoR) 2022

Re: Sentencing of Colin Harnack in murder of Julie Berman

In honour of Julie Berman, The 519 was present today at Colin Harnack’s sentencing hearing. Today’s hearing followed the December 2022 trial finding Harnack guilty of second degree murder in Julie’s death. Court resumes at the 361 University Ave. Courthouse on March 8th, 2023 when the Judge will render heris sentence.

Julie, beloved community member, trans-activist and former The 519 staff member, was tragically murdered by Harnack on December 22, 2019. Julie’s murder has a direct and lasting impact not only on her loved ones who knew her best, but also on broader 2SLGBTQ+ communities. The 519 attended the trial and sentencing hearings to honour Julie, bear witness with our communities, and to monitor for transphobia and gender stereotyping in the court proceedings.

At the hearing today, Crown Prosecutor Heather Keating highlighted the vulnerability of trans communities who experience disproportionate experiences of violence. Though defence counsel argued that the evidence in the trial did not highlight hate in relation to her gender identity, the Crown noted that Julie’s gender could not be removed from the fabric of what occurred. Rates of violence against transwomen are vastly higher than rates of violence against the general population of Canada. The Ontario Human Rights Commission has long recognized that transgender, non-binary and gender non-conforming communities regularly experience harassment, discrimination and violence on the basis of their gender identity and gender expression. Racialized and 2 Spirit trans communities face even higher rates of systemic and interpersonal violence and harassment. In the recent “Access to Justice for Trans People” Report, many TRANSforming Justice Study participants reported that extreme social isolation was often their only strategy for preventing, avoiding and/or staying safe from discrimination and violence. Having to choose extreme isolation, and its negative impacts such as decreased mental wellness, loss of belonging and connection to community, loss of access to needed services and supports as a strategy to mitigation discrimination and violence is not a reasonable expectation or standard for 2 Spirt, trans, and non-binary people.

Julie’s death was investigated and a verdict of guilty for her murder was rendered within the framework of our criminal justice system. However, her murder falls within a broader context of often lethal violence committed against trans women that goes unreported or uninvestigated. TRANSforming justice participants reported not being taken seriously by law enforcement when reporting violence. BIPOC TRANSforming Justice participants identified their awareness of the pervasiveness of violence and discrimination from law enforcement against their communities as additional factors that fuel their reluctance to seek help from the legal system or have confidence in potential legal remedies to violence and discrimination. The systems-level violence facing 2 Spirit, trans, non-binary and non-gender conforming communities is ever present. Persistent stigma and lack of supportive protection for people engaged in sex work and using drugs increases both the rates of violence and the simultaneous failures and inadequacies of existing systems to respond to violence against transwomen. A dangerous, and lethal cycle.

Every year, Trans Day of Remembrance is held for victims of anti-trans violence. In 2017, Julie spoke at the event and her words continue to ring out as a call to action: “We are beautiful, we are strong, we still have a long way to go.” Julie highlighted that she hoped she was still alive to see the day that [trans people] were not such an oddity. Her words were gentle, hopeful, and courageous, and they resonate with us today.

Today, victim impact statements were read in court, explaining the hurt and harm experienced by Julie’s friends and family. They spoke to Julie’s joyfulness, her community activism, and her positive mentorship and friendship, all of which are deeply missed. They also spoke to her gentle nature, her vulnerability, and the vulnerability of the 2 Spirit, trans, non-binary and gender non-conforming communities. Julie’s friend Rachel Clark said:

“Julie’s reality was one, as it is with many transgender people, of having to always be on the lookout for people trying to do harm. I think she thought that many people think of transgender people as disposable people. That violence isn’t often met with justice, so hurting us is acceptable, as there often hasn’t been consequences for hurting us. And because Julie cannot be here to speak for herself, I just want to confirm that thought. Avoiding violence is how we survive. Julie the aggressor is just not possible. The Julie I knew, the Julie I lost in my life, was gentle and timid. That is how she survived. Sadly, she couldn’t avoid violence this time.”

Our hearts remain deeply saddened and our commitments to transforming systems that discriminate and perpetuate violence towards 2 Spirit, queer, and trans communities remains strong. For those affected by Julie’s death and the trial outcome, please contact The 519 at: for information on Drop-in Counselling supports.

Photo: Davina Hader 


For immediate support, please contact:

Gerstein Centre (24/7): (416) 929-5200, ;

Toronto Distress Centre (24/7): 416-408-4357 or text 741741 (2am-2pm daily for text)  ; or

Trans Lifeline (10am – 5am EST): (877) 330-6366. Call us if you need someone trans to talk to, even if you’re not in crisis or if you’re not sure you’re trans.


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Up Next:

International Women's Day 2023: Women, Life, Freedom