Community Wellness


Health Justice Program

The 519 Health Justice Hub is a one-stop program for 2SLGBTQ+ communities and neighbours looking for one-time legal supports, low-barrier access to health services, and social justice educational opportunities.

CMAToronto (Crystal Meth Anonymous)

Crystal Meth Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength and hope with each other, so they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from addiction to crystal meth.

Recovery From Debting: Debtors Anonymous

Debtors Anonymous offers hope for people whose use of unsecured debt causes problems and suffering in their lives and the lives of others.


Latine Community Consultations CINCO-UM-NUEVE (Five One and Nine in Spanish and Portuguese) is a series of community consultation sessions focused on supporting 2SLGBTQ+ and gender-expansive Latine communities. Let’s explore our...


QTPOC Kung Fu – Self Defense  2025 Dates Sundays from 2 to 3:30pm February 02, 09, 16 and 23 May 04, 11, 18, 25 September 07, 14, 21, 28 November…

2 Spirit Healing Drumming

Healing drumming session led by the Circle of Cedar Singers. All are welcome to come and watch or bring your own drum and join in!

2SLGBTQ+ Community Yoga

Join us for an hour of gentle yoga. Brought to you by The 519 Health Justice Project Winter Schedule Every Monday (except statutory holidays) until March 31 No class on…

Inner City Family Health Team

We provide primary care to homeless and previously homeless individuals in Toronto. Website

Breaking the Ice (BTI)

Breaking The Ice (BTI) is a community engagement and outreach program focused on supporting people who use crystal meth in Toronto’s Downtown East. The team has a specific focus on understanding the needs and barriers faced by LGBTQ2S people who use drugs.

SMART Recovery

SMART Recovery is the leading and free science-based approach to recovery which embraces self-empowerment to learn tools to address harmful substance use or behaviour issues in a mutually supportive and non-judgmental group


The Warm Line is a confidential and anonymous service for adults living in the GTA and Peel Region in need of a friend with an empathetic ear. It is operated…

Sherbourne Health Bus

The Rotary Club of Toronto Health Buses – operated by Sherbourne Health Centre – deliver mobile on-the-spot nursing care to homeless and under-housed people in the southeast Toronto neighbourhood, as…

Rainbow Railroad

Rainbow Railroad receives hundreds of requests for help every year from countries where LGBT individuals are open targets of violence. Because the volume of requests is so high, we focus…

Narcotics Anonymous

NA Toronto offers online and in-person meetings.

Living in Today Meeting

Living in Today Meeting
1st & 3rd Thursday 11:40am-1:15pm

Latino Group Hola

Founded in 1991, Latino Group Hola is a community-based volunteer-run social and support group for Spanish-speaking LGBTQ persons of Latin American origin or heritage in Toronto. Latino Group Hola offers a safe...

Transition Support

Trans meeting group is designed to provide assistance and support for people in the process of matching their inner gender with their outer image, with the purpose of adjusting and complying…

Overeaters Anonymous

Overeaters Anonymous (OA) offers a program of recovery from compulsive eating using the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of OA. Worldwide meetings and other tools provide a fellowship of experience, strength and hope where members respect one another’s anonymity. OA charges no dues or fees; it is self-supporting through member contributions.

Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness Meditation is an open community of meditation practitioners providing a welcoming space for all individuals who are interested in the practice of meditation. The intention of Mindfulness Meditation is to…

Church Street Group of Alcoholics Anonymous

Open meetings are available to anyone interested in A.A.’s program of recovery from alcoholism. Non-Alcoholics may attend open meetings as observers. Closed meetings are for A.A. Members only, or for those who have a drinking problem, and have a desire to stop drinking.

Hassle Free Clinic

Hassle Free Clinic – Free medical and counselling services in many areas of sexual health. Located in downtown Toronto. Hassle Free Clinic is a community-based clinic providing medical and counselling services…

Sunday Drop-In (SDI)

Sunday Drop-In offers a safe and welcoming space for 2SLGBTQ+ people of all ages who may be experiencing poverty or are under-housed. Each week we offer a range of services...

S&M: Substance Use and Mental Health Support Group

Weekly community peer support group for folks with lived experience with substance use and mental health conditions

Community Food Programs

Food is for everyone. The 519 offers community food programs including Sunday Takeaway Meals and a Frozen Meals program.