Program Types: Community-Led, Sport and Recreation,

Rainbow Ballroom Toronto is an LGBTQ+ (Lesbian/ Gay/ Bisexual/ Trans) and straight-friendly non-profit group committed to teaching all types of ballroom dancing. We are a working group governed by consensus. We welcome people from all backgrounds and respect individual life choices. We provide our students the opportunity to participate in partnered ballroom dancing in the role they choose (leader or follower) without regard to gender, by creating an environment of mutual respect and self-expression. Our goal is to instill passion in our students and allow them to explore and express their true inner elegance through the art of ballroom dancing.

We are very happy to announce that Rainbow Ballroom Toronto is once again open and we are ready to dance!

Due to popular demand, we will be teaching Salsa and Bachata. Both dances will be taught in the Beginner level. If you are a total beginner or need to review or want to learn the opposite role (leader/follower) or simply want to chill, this is the right opportunity for you!

No partner required! We rotate partners during the lesson.


Beginner Salsa at 7:00-7:45 pm

Beginner Rumba at 7:45-8:30 pm

at The 519 Church Street, 7:00-8:30 pm. 

See Class Schedule for detrails

Registration Fees:

Adult: $100 (1 Class)  $190 (2 Classes)

Student/Senior/Sliding Scale:  $50 (1 Class) $95 (2 Classes)

Walk-In: $15 (1 Class)  $15 (2 Classes)

The classes will be at a beginner’s level.  If you are new to partner dancing, this is for you.

However, experienced dancers might want to try switching from lead or follow or vise versa.  It’s wonderful to be able to explore and develop both modalities.  Sometimes you can be the GUIDE, and sometimes you can be the GUIDED. 

To register, please show up 10-15 minutes before your chosen class. Our preferred method of  payment is e-transfer. Please check the reception desk for our Room number.

No partner required as we rotate leaders and followers throughout the lesson. Please wear casual attire where you will be able to turn and raise your hands and arms comfortably. Wear shoes that don’t leave marks on the floor. Light shoes or dancing shoes are recommended. Some running or gym shoes have strong friction and are not suitable for turning. Our classes are scent-free to respect those with allergies and sensitivities.​

For more information, visit:
