We are proud to present Proud to be Me – a new campaign by The 519. This campaign has been developed for EarlyON centres across the city, child-care environments, schools, and any space accessed by children and their families. This campaign is to remind everyone in those spaces of the beautiful diversity that exists among children, young people and their families, and of the celebration this diversity deserves. Proud to be Me attempts to capture the unique interests, personalities and perspectives that make kids who they are and to create spaces where kids are proud to be their true selves.

Who are these kids in the posters?
The development of these posters was a true labour of love for us. The 519 staff were requested to share their character sketches from when they were kids, on a voluntary basis. We asked them to consider who they saw themselves to be as kids. Deep down, who have you always known yourself to be? The kids in the Proud to be Me posters are those kids; they are The 519.
This campaign is a celebration of the people who work with us, and a powerful (and adorable) representation of all those kids who might not see themselves represented or celebrated. We are so proud.
An Initiative By: Glitterbug – LGBTQ2S Mobile Program
This campaign is an initiative of a new exciting project at The 519 – Glitterbug, our LGBTQ2S Mobile Program for the EarlyON sector of the City of Toronto.
We will share more about this amazing initiative in days to come. Stay tuned.