February 9, 2017
Still Here, Still Queer is part of our efforts to foster environments for older adults that are inclusive of sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression.
LGBTQ+ older adults often experience barriers to accessing necessary services due to discrimination or harassment based on their sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression.
This handbook supports fostering affirming spaces and services for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer (LGBTQ+) older adults and presents best practice recommendations for the inclusion of LGBTQ+ older adults through the use of case studies and educational resources. It is informed by the lived experiences and organizing work of older LGBTQ+ communities and their allies.
Still Here, Still Queer was developed collaboratively with contributions from the Senior Pride Network, Buddies In Bad Times Theatre and True Davidson Acres long-term care home.
For more information about The 519 education and training resources, please contact:
Ash McGhee Manager, Education and Training AMcGhee@The519.org