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Harm reduction saves lives.

Today, the Provincial government announced new restrictions on safe consumption sites which will impact 10 out of 17 sites across the province, including many in the downtown core. Safe consumption sites are an evidence-based tool that are a vital part of the continuum of care needed to tackle the ongoing drug poisoning crisis.

Harm reduction saves lives. For countless people, safe consumption sites are where they take the first steps towards accessing longer-term treatment and recovery options. But over and over, we have seen people who want to access detox or rehabilitation denied care because of chronic underfunding in mental health and addictions treatment, leading to months-long waitlists. We have seen people die while waiting for the care they deserve.

The announcement of $378 million in additional funding for recovery centres is welcome. However, we know that is not enough to support the demand and is only one piece of the support needed for people struggling with addiction.

523 Torontonians died from opioid poisoning in 2023. This change will lead to more preventable deaths, and will disproportionately impact 2SLGBTQ+ and racialized people.

We all know someone living with addiction. We might be living with addiction. Our neighbours, loved ones, and communities deserve to receive the dignified and compassionate care and support that safe consumption sites provide.

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